We are high vibrational beings of light and energy. And just like us, the Earth is a living being too. It has a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz on average. And that electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things.
In order to live in utmost peace and balance, we need to align our vibration to resonate with the Earth. Connecting with the Earth’s resonance is essential. It can heal and protect us. This way we can become our own alchemists.
Our handcrafted jewelery carries the magical resonance of the world. They are uniquely designed for generations to come for a precious jewelery is like the wisdom that has to be carried through ages. This ongoing vibration is carved masterfully is each piece, crowning the ancient and living legendary chevalier artisans of the Grand Bazaar, Istanbul.
Series 7.83 is a custom made jewelery brand that is deeply connected to its roots, to you and your family, to the masters who give life to them, to the earth and to the great cosmos.
They are ready to serve and be a part of your heritage. They are ready to resonate with you.
Series 7.83 is you.